I Dare Not Look

I Dare Not Look

I stare at the outside often,
Daring to peak inside.
Fully aware of what lurks there,
All of the pain that I hide.

It has never been far away from me,
Never been too far to reach.
The exterior wasn't so daunting,
But the interior I just couldn't breach.

Today something feels different,
I don't have the usual fear.
So I pick up our photo album,
And prepare to fight back a tear.

A deep breath as I open the cover,
Expecting my heart now to race.
Contrary to this, the feeling was bliss,
And a smile spread all over my face.

I thought this would prompt painful memories,
Remind me you're now an angel above.
Of all the pain when I lost you,
But now all i'm feeling is love.

No more tears when I wake in the morning,
No more heart break day after day.
I will visit these fond memories often,
And enjoy them in a newly found way.

love poems by darren heart


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