About My Five Stages of Grief

My Five Stages of Grief by Darren Heart My Five Stages of Grief by Darren Heart is an emotional chronicle of the author's ten year journey to recovery and healing from the extreme grief and overwhelming sense of loss caused by the tragic deaths of both his long term partner, and shortly afterwards, his step son.

The Prologue for this book summarizes the author's moving love story up until the moment tragedy strikes at the heart of his family.

The main body of the book is represented by five chapters dedicated to the five stages of grief, namely; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Each chapter is broken down to include a brief clinical definition for a particular stage, followed by the author's own observations and experiences, closing with a number of poems written by the author, intended to reflect upon the various emotions and thoughts experienced during that particular stage of the grieving process.

My Five Stages of Grief concludes with an Epilogue where the author describes life "post-acceptance", and offers words of hope, inspiration and encouragement to those who may be wading through the grief and mourning process, and feeling misunderstood or isolated.

Containing emotional, thought provoking, and inspirational poems related to the various five stages of grief, capturing the author's raw thoughts and emotions associated with each stage. For those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, this book explores a mourner's need to acknowledge death and embrace the pain of loss and bereavement. Also explored are the many facets that make each individual's grief unique, and the many normal thoughts and feelings that someone currently grieving may have.

At one time or another, we will all find ourselves facing a dark journey through the grieving process. My Five Stages of Grief is written to provide support and comfort for a person who is in the wake of despair following the loss of a loved one. This powerful book will help support readers throughout their five stages of grief by sharing a number of relate-able biographic experiences, breaking down the walls of isolation that can leave a mourner feeling utterly alone, in preparation for the end of the journey, peace.

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-- http://www.amazon.com/My-Five-Stages-Grief-Bereavement/dp/1499136218/
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My Five Stages of Grief eBook Released

My Five Stages of Grief: A Father's Journey to Recovery From Bereavement by Darren Heart is OUT NOW in various eBook and Print formats to read on your PC or Laptop, Kindle and Nook eReaders, Android Phones and Tablets, plus Apple devices such as the iPad and iPhone

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Paperback Edition Available

My Five Stages of Grief: PAPERBACK Edition
Darren Heart's Poetry Blog: My Five Stages of Grief: PAPERBACK Edition

AVAILABLE NOW -- My Five Stages of Grief: PAPERBACK Edition My Five Stages of Grief : A Father's Journey to Recovery from Bereavement ...

Forgotten Moments

Forgotten Moments

My worst fear was to forget you,
That your memory would fade,
Slowly eroding thoughts of our love,
As leaves falling from a tree,
Diluted by the ticking of time.

Would I recollect our sweet moments,
Recall the precious love we shared,
Could I call to mind your sweet smile,
Reminisce your gentle touch,
With a trip down memory lane.

Fear unfounded as I finally arrive,
At a new destination of peace,
Folded neatly for the journey,
All our sweet memories packed,
Now with me always as I travel alone.

Forgotten Moments a Poem by Darren Heart

So I'm Told

So I'm Told

I'm told things will get better,
By those that can not relate.
Say it's time that I move on,
Now that one I really hate.

Tell me that time's a healer,
Soon I'll be rid of this pain.
To put this all behind me,
And should look to live again.

It all seems kind of silly,
The notion just makes me mad.
Why find it so hard to see,
That  it's normal to be sad.

My grief is real and valid,
They just don't know what to say.
Realizing that I'm alone,
It's my hurt, my loss, my way!

So I'm Told is a poem by Darren Heart depicting the isolation felt by those experiencing grief.

Checking In

Checking In

Dear love, I'm just checking in,
It has been too long, I know.
Many times I've tried to write,
But the words just failed to flow.

Now that so much time has passed,
And so many things have changed,
Rebuilt from the bottom up,
All our lives now rearranged.

Her hair, no more in bunches,
No more cuddles like a shroud,
Our princess is all grown up,
And would really do you proud.

Blessed with your dazzling smile,
And your beautiful brown eyes,
Also has an awkward streak,
She's your girl, so no surprise.

So I'd just like to thank you,
Hope I have not let you down,
Time to let the flower bloom,
Now our princess wears her crown.

Checking In Poem Acceptance Bereavement Darren Heart

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